Technology has changed the way we live and work. As consumers, we are used to having instant access to the information we use to manage our lives.
One traffic-filled drive into Boston, 6 hour flight to Phoenix, half mile run through the airport, missed connection, overnight stay at a Radisson Hotel, 2 hour flight the next morning, roughly 2,900 total miles later and we were finally in Reno. Arriving a day late meant that my boss, Chris Allen, and I only had […]
One city in Denmark has pulled out all the stops to make perks for those who ride bicycles, hoping to turn more people towards the greener mode of transportation. There is a bridge dedicated to cyclists, analyses showing how bikes are better for your health, and now an RFID tags to change traffic lights in their […]
We live in a “buy, buy, buy” society (not to be confused with the ‘N SYNC top hit) where we are being constantly bombarded with products to purchase. Companies have started coming up with creative ways to try to persuade us to buy their products. There are “buy one, get one” sales, promotions for friend […]
iPhones. Excessively long beards paired with a “man bun”. Emoticons. There are lots of trends out there and likely will always be. Many people follow more than one fad at a time and are always looking for the next big thing. What if the next big thing is actually combing two fads into one? Say, […]
Most of us follow a similar routine 5 days a week: wake up when the sun does, rush to finish a cup of coffee while getting dressed, drive to the office, work until lunch when we run out to grab a quick bite to eat, back to work, drive home and cook dinner, a few other […]
I came across an article recently about the High-Tech Makeover one branch of the Ottawa Public Library was soon to undergo. As an avid reader and library-lover, it all sounded fantastic to me: Elmvale Acres was the latest branch in the system scheduled to receive radio-frequency equipment and self-checkout kiosks. “Library users will be able to place their […]
What if the next time you went to a concert or similar event, you didn’t have to bother with printing or picking up a ticket, didn’t have to worry about losing the ticket once you entered the event, and didn’t have to worry about carrying cash or credit cards with you to pay for concessions? […]
Technology is progressing at an arguably faster rate than ever before. Innumerable advancements have changed daily life in ways that make almost everything convenient, from being able to cook noodles in a microwave to smart phones which quite literally put the world at our fingertips. But does there come a point where technology becomes too advanced, where these improvements are […]
Once again it’s that time of year when the flow of food and drink doesn’t seem to stop, yet our desire and drive to stay fit comes to a halt. We blame the dryer for our pants fitting a bit tighter or tell ourselves “hey, ’tis the season!” for each glass of eggnog we drink. […]