October 20, 2014 – Radianse Announces an Addition to their Real-Time Inmate Tracking Solutions

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October 20, 2014 – Radianse Announces an Addition to their Real-Time Inmate Tracking Solutions

Today Radianse announced a significant enhancement to their existing Real-Time Inmate Tracking Solution with the addition of a new application.  The Intake and Program Scheduling Kiosk streamlines the inmate induction process and provides staff with an intuitive user friendly tool for scheduling, monitoring, and managing inmates throughout their rehabilitation programs.

Radianse has developed a suite of applications for the corrections environment.  Using RFID to provide continual location and situational awareness of inmates serves as an investigative tool when dealing with violent incidents including PREA investigations.  Correctional officers are not only provided with proactive alerts to raise awareness that a potential situation may be at hand, but they also have immediate access to the identities of likely suspects and witnesses.

When documenting inmate participation in required programs such as Anger Management, AA and others,” said Chris Allen, Director of Sales at Radianse, “it is vital to be able to provide an easy to use tool that assists corrections staff with the scheduling on the front end and reporting on the back end.  When combined with our System, we provide staff with the most comprehensive inmate management solution available today.”

Utilizing our real-time data tracking within corrections environments is the best way to ensure staff and visitor safety,” said Angela Blaisdell, President of Radianse.  “We are delighted with the positive response we have received from our clients with the introduction of our kiosk application.  Our solution continues to gain recognition as a valuable investigative and facility management tool.”

About Radianse

Radianse is the leader in providing intelligent solutions that automatically integrating an ever expanding list of data sources into real-time actionable intelligence.  By providing answers to the “Five W’s”, Radianse is able to assist today’s dynamically changing industries in areas ranging from location awareness, patient satisfaction, inmate rehabilitation, safety, customer service, to green initiatives in the fitness industry.