June 20, 2017 – Real-World Return on Investment at Planet Fitness

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June 20, 2017 – Real-World Return on Investment at Planet Fitness

Rochester, NH — Today, Radianse announced that Planet Fitness in Lima, Ohio has recognized that the Amenity Management Solution has paid for itself in just 6 months.

The overarching goal of the Amenity Management Solution is to enhance the member experience while making improvements around amenity management and regulatory compliance.  There are benefits for everyone from members, to employees, to management and owners.

Mark Christie, of Planet Fitness Ohio, installed the Radianse Amenity Management Solution at his Lima, OH location in the fall.  He found that the system paid for itself in just under 6 months.

“Since the Radianse Amenity Management System checks Black Card Member status prior to allowing them to schedule any amenities, we were able to identity and engage with Black Card members who were not in good standing.” said Mark.  “Invariably in busy clubs, members sneak in or get missed, but because Radianse verifies member standing and refers members with open balances to speak with Staff, we were able to proactively address outstanding issues.”

“The system more than paid for itself and will continue to give us huge benefits.”

“The managers tell us that members love how convenient it is,” said Chris Allen, Radianse Director of Sales. “Without a first-come, first-served base for sign ups, there are no more long lines or overcrowding at peak occupancy times, so people can get to their workouts faster and know they have a time slot saved when it works best for them.”

Employees now start amenities directly from the administrative computer, allowing them to focus on member engagement instead of clipboard clutter and paper processes. And because all amenities are scheduled and started remotely from a computer, data on their usage is collected and recorded automatically and accurately.

Using the data, it can be determined which amenities are most popular, how often they are scheduled as well as how often specific equipment is actually used.  The kiosks also accept signatures for waivers and any other member information, such as age restriction policies and Fitzpatrick forms.

“With the system, managers and owners can know exact details of their amenity usage as well as making sure clubs are in compliance with regulatory requirements,” Chris said.  “It’s all about the benefits and using the information we collect to improve overall operations.”

About Radianse

Radianse is the leader in providing intelligent solutions that automatically integrate an ever expanding list of data sources into real-time actionable intelligence.  Radianse is able to assist today’s dynamically changing industries in areas ranging from location awareness, patient satisfaction, inmate rehabilitation, safety, customer service, to green initiatives in the fitness industry.

About Planet Fitness

Planet Fitness is the fastest growing full size health club franchise in the United States, and has revolutionized the industry with a combination of extremely low prices and a unique, friendly and hassle-free environment.  All Planet Fitness clubs feature a wide selection of brand name cardio and strength equipment, and provide unlimited fitness instruction with all memberships.