BIOMECHANICS is the study of the body in motion; the foot is the most amazing piece of body engineering, supporting thirty-three joints, twenty-eight bones and over a hundred ligaments. It is a mobile adapter allowing us to walk over different surfaces ranging from cobbled streets to flat surfaces, then by acting as a rigid lever having the ability to propel the body over the foot in motion.

We walk an average of 7500+ steps per day with two and a half times our body weight going through our feet every day. If the relationship between feet and body breaks down this can manifest directly as foot and ankle pain, or it can cause secondary symptoms in the joints and muscles of the leg, knee, pelvis and lower back.

If the tracking on your car is out of alignment the tyres wear badly, therefore correcting the tracking helps the tyres to wear more evenly. The same principle applies to the foot. Realign the foot with an orthotic and uneven wear and tear can be helped.


The term ORTHOTICS refers to an external device (some people would call an Inner Sole) but an orthotic is far more than that. Orthotics are bespoke prescription devices designed specifically to meet an individual’s requirements to support, correct and re-align the feet and ankles to as near natural position as possible to address the biomechanical dysfunction.
They work on the same principle as eyeglasses… an optician prescribes glasses ensuring that an appropriate set of lenses are made to fit the specific needs of each eye they are meant to help. The principle follows then that an ORTHOTICS is constructed to fit the unique needs of each individual foot they are designed to support. The foot profile is captured using an 3D scanner to make an orthotic to fit your foots Shape and dimensions.

Conditions that can benefit from bespoke orthotics

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